There are three basic transformations from which any other transformation can be obtained.They change the orientation,size and shape… Read more »
qualities of good Advertising copy
An effective advertisement copy must have certain qualities which make it the best one. They are:
- It must be simple and easy to understand: A copywriter must use short , simple and understandable words and sentences. The words or sentences used must be remembered by intelligent persons and non intelligent persons. It must make people to see it, that is it should arrest their attention.
- It must be informative : The copy must give the information which make the reader wants to know about the product, in order to buy. Hence, it must give the real fact. The information must be natural and straight forward.
- It must be concise and complete: The copy must be complete and brief. If it is incomplete, it fails. Brevity is essential(condensation). Completeness should never be sacrificed for brevity. It must make people to understand it.
- It must be enthusiastic: Salesman's talk in the written form is the copy. The copy must tell the reader what the product or merchandise will do for him.
- It must be honest and truthful towards the public: If the copy is untrue then the confidence and the value of publicity go down. The public should not be cheated. The public, who are the users of the products, are the witness of the product quality. If the inferior products are sold through false advertising, they have a short life. If the advertisement is not honest then the product will disappear from the market and the firm will be closed down within a short span of time.
- It creates an urge: It must reveal unknown or unseen features of the products. The public should be informed about the product's use and merits by the advertiser. It must create a goodwill in the minds of the public. Its aim must be true to the firm and its products. It should have an effective salesmanship in absentia.
Advertising prepared by JJ
Geometric tranformations are the trasformations used to alter or manipulate pictures in a graphics package.Changes in orientation,size … Read more »
Translation is a transformation that repositions and object along a straight line path from one coordinate location to another. … Read more »
Rotation of an object is repositioning it along a circular path in the xy plane.To rotate, we need to specify a rotation angle θ and the rotation point(xr,yr) about which the object is rotated. … Read more »
A Scaling transformation alters the size of an object.Scaling is carried out by applying scaling factors sx,sy for xand y direction … Read more »
Homogeneous coordinates are coordinates used to represent the cartesian coordinate (x,y) as three - element vector.We represent each cartesian … Read more »
For translation, the transformation equvations are written as … Read more »
Other transformations inculde Reflection and Shear. Reflections : Reflections are transformations that rotate an object 180" about a reflection axis. … Read more »